Newly opened to the public at the Barletta Castle , INHUMAN, a collective exhibition curated by Giusy Caroppo featuring work by internationally renowned artists Kendell Geers , Oleg Kulik and Andres Serrano. Intended to encourage the reflection on the universality of human degradation, the violence exercised by the individual or by power against the dignity of the person and their freedoms – also in light of the recent pandemic-induced lockdown and world protests linked to the Black Lives Matter movement – the show touches on the moral and anthropological sphere, beyond history, latitudes, age, gender and religion, showing how “inhumanity” is, in fact, “one of the characteristic qualities of the human being” as already stated in the nineteenth century by Ambrose Bierce.
Here is the link to Arianna Di Genova’s recent interview with Kendell Geers for Il Manifesto: